Quick start

OptFrame is a C++ framework to solve challenging optimization problems, specially by means of metaheuristic techniques. It has no external dependencies, except a C++ compiler compatible with C++17 (or C++20).

After installing OptFrame (or just cloning it), user can start building a solution to the problem at hand.

Welcome Message

A useful abstraction was introduced since OptFrame 4.1, called OptFrame Functional Core (FCore). The idea of FCore is to provide a simplified access to OptFrame programming classes, by means of closures and lambdas. This way, a project that typically had 8 to 10 files is reduced to a single file (all included in headers!).

The first test on FCore is to see if it’s correctly compiling. So let’s just include its main header, and print its welcome() message:

File 'mytest.cpp' located in 'demo/01_QuickstartWelcome/'

1// file: 'mytest.cpp'
2#include <OptFCore/FCore.hpp>
3#include <iostream>
7   std::cout << optframe::FCore::welcome() << std::endl;
8   return 0;

Build with make

One way to compile it locally is just copy src/ folder inside your project and see the results (using GCC C++ compiler):

g++ --std=c++20 mytest.cpp -o fcore_mytest
# Welcome to OptFrame Functional Core (FCore) - version 4.1-dev

If a local copy of OptFrame is being used in other folder (via git clone), one needs to pass its location via flag -I to the compiler (considering relative location of ./optframe/src/):

File 'makefile' located in 'demo/01_QuickstartWelcome/'

 1all: demo_quickstart_welcome 
 4	g++ --std=c++20 -I../../include mytest.cpp -o demo_welcome
 5	# Expects: Welcome to OptFrame Functional Core (FCore) - version 4.1-dev
 6	./demo_welcome
10	bazel build ... --cxxopt=-std=c++17

Build with bazel

If one wants to build in Windows or any other system, easiest manner is to use Bazel. Just create a WORKSPACE.bazel file that points to remote OptFrame git repository:

File 'WORKSPACE.bazel' located in 'demo/01_QuickstartWelcome/'

1load('@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl', 'git_repository')
3    name='OptFrame',
4    remote='https://github.com/optframe/optframe.git',
5    branch='master'

And use the following BUILD.bazel file (with dependency to @OptFrame):

File 'BUILD.bazel' located in 'demo/01_QuickstartWelcome/'

 1load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_library", "cc_binary")
 3    name = "demo_welcome",
 4    srcs = ["mytest.cpp"],
 5    deps=["@OptFrame//include:OptFCore"],
 6    copts = select({
 7        "@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows": ["/std:c++17"],
 8        "@bazel_tools//src/conditions:darwin": ["--std=c++17"],
 9        "//conditions:default": ["--std=c++17"],
10    }),

Just invoke bazel build system (assuming MinGW C/C++ toolchain on Windows or just remove option --compiler for Linux):

bazel build --compiler=mingw-gcc ...
bazel run :demo_welcome
# Welcome to OptFrame Functional Core (FCore) - version 4.1-dev

A deeper explanation of OptFrame theoretical foundations can be found on Concepts section, so we will move fast here!

First Example: 0-1 Knapsack Problem and Simulated Annealing

Let’s consider a classic problem: the 0-1 Knapsack Problem (KP).

A knapsack and some items (from wikipedia) By: Dake CC BY-SA 2.5

Given a set of items \(I\), the KP consists in selecting some items \(S \subseteq I\), such that the sum of weights \(w_i\) (for each selected item) do not exceed knapsack capacity \(Q\), and profit \(p_i\) of the selected items is maximized.

$$maximize\; \sum_{i \in S} p_i$$ $$\sum_{i \in S} w_i \leq Q$$ $$S \subseteq I$$

Solution and Evaluation Types

Users must first define a Representation, which is a data structure that represents an element in the Solution Space for the KP. A natural candidate here is an array of booleans, since we need to decide if we are going to carry each item or not. In C++, an interesting approach is to use stl containers, such as a std::vector<int>.

User also needs to specify the data type for the Objective Space, in general a numeric type. In this case, we will simply choose an Evaluation<int> (just ignore the Evaluation container for now…).

We declare a XESolution pair that aggregates both spaces as a single type ESolutionKP (meaning an evaluated solution for the knapsack problem):

 1// SPDX-License-Identifier:  MIT OR LGPL-3.0-or-later
 2// Copyright (C) 2007-2022 - OptFrame developers
 3// https://github.com/optframe/optframe
 5// OptFrame Demo 0-1 Knapsack Problem + Simulated Annealing
 6// File: KP-fcore-ex.hpp
 7#pragma once
 9// C++
10#include <algorithm>
11#include <functional>
12#include <iostream>
13#include <utility>
14#include <vector>
16#include <OptFCore/FCore.hpp>
17#include <OptFrame/Core.hpp>
18#include <OptFrame/Heuristics/Heuristics.hpp>  // many metaheuristics here...
19#include <OptFrame/Scanner++/Scanner.hpp>
20#include <OptFrame/Util/Matrix.hpp>
21#include <OptFrame/printable/printable.hpp>
23using namespace std;        // NOLINT
24using namespace optframe;   // NOLINT
25using namespace scannerpp;  // NOLINT
27// namespace para o problema da mochila
28// namespace KP_fcore {
30// Solução para o problema da mochila, e elemento de avaliação
32// ================================
33//    Definição do 'ESolution'
34// Par: (Representação, Avaliação)
35// ================================
37using ESolutionKP = std::pair<std::vector<bool>,  // (representation)
38                              Evaluation<int>     // (objective value)
39                              >;


As long as fields first and second are provided on XESolution concept, any class can be used instead of std::pair, as demonstrated on Explicit XESolution section.


Since OptFrame v4, any data structure can be used as a solution representation, as long as it implements operator<<. OptFrame Classic (<= v3) required a templated class named Solution<R,ADS>, passing both a representation type R and auxiliary data structure type ADS. This is no longer mandatory, but still widely used on the available examples.

Problem Context

Users will need to store general problem information (such as profits and weights of items), so a ProblemContext can be introduced. For easy interoperability with file and string inputs (on Linux/Windows), we use Scanner class to process problem data (some details of ‘load’ function will only be discussed in a later moment):

 1class ProblemContext {
 2 public:
 3  int n{0};       // numero de itens
 4  int Q{-1};      // capacidade máxima da mochila
 5  vector<int> p;  // lucro 'p' de cada item
 6  vector<int> w;  // peso 'w' de cada item
 7  //
 8  // leitor de dados "estilo Java" (Scanner)
 9  void load(Scanner& scanner) {
10    n = *scanner.nextInt();  // leitura do numero de itens na mochila
11    Q = *scanner.nextInt();  // leitura da capacidade da mochila
12    p = vector<int>(n);      // realoca espaço
13    w = vector<int>(n);      // realoca espaço
14    //
15    cout << "n=" << n << " Q=" << Q << endl;
16    //
17    // leitura do lucro do item i
18    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
19      p[i] =
20          *scanner.nextInt();  // '*' é usado pq saída do 'nextInt' é 'optional'
21      cout << "p[" << i << "]=" << p[i] << " ";
22    }
23    cout << endl;
24    //
25    // leitura do peso do item i
26    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
27      w[i] =
28          *scanner.nextInt();  // '*' é usado pq saída do 'nextInt' é 'optional'
29      cout << "w[" << i << "]=" << w[i] << " ";
30    }
31    cout << endl;
32  }
34// Instanciar um problema da mochila pKP
35// ProblemContext pKP; // NOLINT


ProblemContext is a user-defined class that can have any desired format. A ‘load’ function is just a suggestion, but not at all necessary. The object pKP is declared in global scope just to simplify the example, but it could be embedded in any other component if user desires.

Random Constructive

We need to have some initial solution for the search process, so we just proceed in a random manner. For simplicity, we allow infeasible solutions to be generated (as if capacity was infinite).

 1std::vector<bool> frandom(sref<ProblemContext> pKP) {
 2  vector<bool> v(pKP->n, false);  // começa sem nenhum item escolhido
 3  for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
 4    v[i] = rand() % 2;  // sorteia se leva item ou não (resultado 0 ou 1)
 5  // retorna solução
 6  return v;
 9// Gerador de solução inicial (método construtivo)
10// FConstructive<std::vector<bool>, ProblemContext> randomConstructive{pKP,
11// frandom};


User can also define many advanced constructive techniques in a similar manner, such as greedy and greedy randomized approaches.


Now it’s time to define an evaluation (or objective) function. According to the goal of maximizing the profits, we iterate over selected items to accumulate profit and weights. As discussed in constructive section, we allow accumulated weight to surpass knapsack capacity, for infeasible configurations. To discourage that, we introduce negative penalization whenever capacity is exceeded (assuming weight -1000000):

 1// ===========================
 2//    Função de avaliação
 3// ===========================
 5// função de avaliação da mochila
 6Evaluation<int> fevaluate(sref<ProblemContext> pKP,
 7                          const std::vector<bool>& s) {
 8  int f = 0;
 9  int somaPeso = 0;
10  for (int i = 0; i < pKP->n; i++)
11    if (s[i])  // se elemento foi escolhido
12    {
13      f += pKP->p[i];         // acumula lucro do elemento i
14      somaPeso += pKP->w[i];  // acumula peso do elemento i
15    }
16  // verifica capacidade excedida
17  if (somaPeso >= pKP->Q)
18    f -= 1000000 *
19         (somaPeso - pKP->Q);  // punição proporcional ao excesso de peso
20  //
21  return Evaluation<int>{f};
24// Evaluate (false -> maximização)
25// FEvaluator<ESolutionKP, MAXIMIZE> evalKP{fevaluate};

We have defined fevaluate function to create an Evaluator object named evalKP, in a MAXIMIZE direction.


User can choose MINIMIZE if dealing with a minimization problem. For multi-objective problems and Pareto optimization, user should visit Multi-Objective section.

Neighborhood Structure

In order to improve a given solution, several metaheuristics employ Local Search Optimization techniques based on the concept of Neighborhood Structure. Every neighborhood is related to a move operator, which is required (on FCore) to have an undo operation (capable of reverting the effects of the move).

We create a BitFlip move, that changes the true/false selection of a given item \(k\). In this case, the move structure (representation of the move) is just an int, that represents the flipped item.

Note the makeMoveBitFlip move generator based on FCore library.

 1// MoveBitFlip (moveData = 'int' (k))
 2using MoveBitFlip = FMove<int, ESolutionKP>;
 4// vizinhança: operador de "movimento" que faz "bit flip" (0 -> 1; 1 -> 0) na
 5// posição k
 6int fApplyFlip(const int& k, ESolutionKP& se) {
 7  // se.first[k] = 1 - se.first[k]; // inverte elemento 'k'
 8  se.first[k] = !se.first[k];  // inverte elemento 'k'
 9  return k;                    // movimento reverso
12uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>> makeMoveBitFlip(int k) {
13  return uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>>(new MoveBitFlip{k, fApplyFlip});

The definition of the move can be done using inheritance, if one finds easier (which is what we will adopt).

 2class MoveBitFlip : public Move<ESolutionKP> {
 3 public:
 4  int k;  // MoveBitFlip (moveData = 'int' (k))
 6  explicit MoveBitFlip(int _k) : k{_k} {}
 8  uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>> apply(ESolutionKP& se) override {
 9    se.first[k] = !se.first[k];                          // reverts element 'k'
10    return uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>>(new MoveBitFlip{k});  // returns reverse move
11  }
14uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>> makeMoveBitFlip(int k) {
15  return uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>>(new MoveBitFlip{k});

Now, it’s time to define a neighborhood generator for the move. OptFrame has three main types of neighborhoods: NS, NSSeq and NSEnum.

In this example, we will use NS, since it only requires the generation of random moves:

 1// gerador de movimentos aleatórios do tipo BitFlip
 2uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>> fRandomFlip(sref<ProblemContext> pKP,
 3                                    const ESolutionKP& se) {
 4  int k = ::rand() % pKP->n;  // sorteia um item entre [0..n-1]
 5  // cria um "movimento" de flip, na posição k, com operação 'fApplyFlip'
 6  return uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>>(makeMoveBitFlip(k));
 9// Estrutura de Vizinhança para BitFlip (NS)
10// FNS<ESolutionKP> nsFlip{fRandomFlip};
12// ================== EVERYTHING TOGETHER ====================
14class OptFrameDemoKP {
15 public:
16  FConstructive<std::vector<bool>, ProblemContext> randomConstructive;
17  FEvaluator<ESolutionKP, MAXIMIZE, ProblemContext> evalKP;
18  FNS<ESolutionKP, ProblemContext> nsFlip;
20  explicit OptFrameDemoKP(sref<ProblemContext> p)
21      : randomConstructive{p, frandom},
22        evalKP{FEvaluator<ESolutionKP, MAXIMIZE, ProblemContext>{p, fevaluate}},
23        nsFlip{FNS<ESolutionKP, ProblemContext>{p, fRandomFlip}} {}


It is usually a good idea to start developing over the simplest neighborhood, which is NS. Most (non-deterministic) metaheuristics only requires a NS, as it only requires the generation of random moves. More advanced neighborhoods based on iterators, such as NSSeq and NSEnum are only required for advanced Local Search methods.

Time to Test!

At this point, you can already test many nice metaheuristics and solve your knapsack problem! We use the following code to load a problem instance (see Complete Example after):

 1std::cout << "======== Carregando Problema ========" << std::endl;
 2// semente pseudo-aleatória fixa em zero
 5std::string sinstance = "knapsack-example.txt";
 6File f{sinstance};
 8if (!f.isOpen()) {
 9  std::cerr << "Problema '" << sinstance << "' não encontrado no diretório!"
10            << std::endl;
11  return 1;
14Scanner scanner{std::move(f)};
16sref<ProblemContext> pKP{new ProblemContext{}};
18std::cout << "número de elementos na mochila:" << pKP->n << std::endl;
20OptFrameDemoKP demo{pKP};


It is useful to test every FCore structure independently, so as to develop unit testing for them.

To test the constructive and evaluator:

 1std::cout << "======== Testa Construtivo Aleatório ========" << std::endl;
 2// invoca método 'generateSolution' do FCore 'FConstructive' para construtivo
 3// aleatório
 4std::vector<bool> sol = *demo.randomConstructive.generateSolution(0.0);
 5// imprime solução inicial
 6std::cout << sol << std::endl;
 8std::cout << "======== Testa Avaliador ========" << std::endl;
 9// avalia solução inicial e cria um par 'ESolution'
10ESolutionKP esol(sol, demo.evalKP.evaluate(sol));
11// imprime avaliação da solução inicial

Now we give an example with of the most well-known metaheuristics: the Simulated Annealing. It has few parameters, including: initial temperature T0, cooling factor alpha, and iterations per temperature iterT.

 1std::cout << "======== Executa Simulated Annealing ========" << std::endl;
 2// Especifica um gerador aleatório para o Simulated Annealing
 3RandGen rg;
 5// Cria objeto da classe 'InitialSearch' (parecido com 'construtivoAleatório')
 6BasicInitialSearch<ESolutionKP> initRand(demo.randomConstructive, demo.evalKP);
 7// Instancia um Simulated Annealing com alpha=98%, iterações na temp = 100,
 8// temperatura inicial = 99999
 9BasicSimulatedAnnealing<ESolutionKP> sa{
10    demo.evalKP, initRand, demo.nsFlip, 0.98, 100, 99999, rg};
11// executa o SA e coleta o 'status' de saída
12// passa um 'Criterio de Parada' por tempo (= 10 segundos)
13auto searchOut = sa.search(
14    StopCriteria<ESolutionKP::second_type>{10.0});  // 10.0 seconds max
15// pega melhor solução do método SA
16ESolutionKP melhor = *searchOut.best;  //*sa.getBestSolution();
17std::cout << "======== Imprime melhor solução do SA ========" << std::endl;
18// imprime representação da melhor solução
19cout << melhor.first << endl;
20// imprime avaliação da melhor solução

Complete Example


We present a complete example below. Note that some small differences may exist due to updates in tutorial, including language details. Feel free to check folder OptFrame/Examples for other examples on FCore and OptFrame Classic.

Example is divided in two files: KP-fcore-ex.hpp and mainKP-fcore-ex.cpp.


This example could be made in a single file, to be even simpler. However, we recommend users to have a clear separation for the header declaration of FCore components (on KP-fcore-ex.hpp) from the main() entrypoint (on mainKP-fcore-ex.cpp), since unit testing is much simpler when these are decoupled.


File 'KP-fcore-ex.hpp' located in 'demo/02_QuickstartKP_SA/'

  1// SPDX-License-Identifier:  MIT OR LGPL-3.0-or-later
  2// Copyright (C) 2007-2022 - OptFrame developers
  3// https://github.com/optframe/optframe
  5// OptFrame Demo 0-1 Knapsack Problem + Simulated Annealing
  6// File: KP-fcore-ex.hpp
  7#pragma once
  9// C++
 10#include <algorithm>
 11#include <functional>
 12#include <iostream>
 13#include <utility>
 14#include <vector>
 16#include <OptFCore/FCore.hpp>
 17#include <OptFrame/Core.hpp>
 18#include <OptFrame/Heuristics/Heuristics.hpp>  // many metaheuristics here...
 19#include <OptFrame/Scanner++/Scanner.hpp>
 20#include <OptFrame/Util/Matrix.hpp>
 21#include <OptFrame/printable/printable.hpp>
 23using namespace std;        // NOLINT
 24using namespace optframe;   // NOLINT
 25using namespace scannerpp;  // NOLINT
 27// namespace para o problema da mochila
 28// namespace KP_fcore {
 30// Solução para o problema da mochila, e elemento de avaliação
 32// ================================
 33//    Definição do 'ESolution'
 34// Par: (Representação, Avaliação)
 35// ================================
 37using ESolutionKP = std::pair<std::vector<bool>,  // (representation)
 38                              Evaluation<int>     // (objective value)
 39                              >;
 40class ProblemContext {
 41 public:
 42  int n{0};       // numero de itens
 43  int Q{-1};      // capacidade máxima da mochila
 44  vector<int> p;  // lucro 'p' de cada item
 45  vector<int> w;  // peso 'w' de cada item
 46  //
 47  // leitor de dados "estilo Java" (Scanner)
 48  void load(Scanner& scanner) {
 49    n = *scanner.nextInt();  // leitura do numero de itens na mochila
 50    Q = *scanner.nextInt();  // leitura da capacidade da mochila
 51    p = vector<int>(n);      // realoca espaço
 52    w = vector<int>(n);      // realoca espaço
 53    //
 54    cout << "n=" << n << " Q=" << Q << endl;
 55    //
 56    // leitura do lucro do item i
 57    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 58      p[i] =
 59          *scanner.nextInt();  // '*' é usado pq saída do 'nextInt' é 'optional'
 60      cout << "p[" << i << "]=" << p[i] << " ";
 61    }
 62    cout << endl;
 63    //
 64    // leitura do peso do item i
 65    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 66      w[i] =
 67          *scanner.nextInt();  // '*' é usado pq saída do 'nextInt' é 'optional'
 68      cout << "w[" << i << "]=" << w[i] << " ";
 69    }
 70    cout << endl;
 71  }
 73// Instanciar um problema da mochila pKP
 74// ProblemContext pKP; // NOLINT
 76std::vector<bool> frandom(sref<ProblemContext> pKP) {
 77  vector<bool> v(pKP->n, false);  // começa sem nenhum item escolhido
 78  for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
 79    v[i] = rand() % 2;  // sorteia se leva item ou não (resultado 0 ou 1)
 80  // retorna solução
 81  return v;
 84// Gerador de solução inicial (método construtivo)
 85// FConstructive<std::vector<bool>, ProblemContext> randomConstructive{pKP,
 86// frandom};
 88// ===========================
 89//    Função de avaliação
 90// ===========================
 92// função de avaliação da mochila
 93Evaluation<int> fevaluate(sref<ProblemContext> pKP,
 94                          const std::vector<bool>& s) {
 95  int f = 0;
 96  int somaPeso = 0;
 97  for (int i = 0; i < pKP->n; i++)
 98    if (s[i])  // se elemento foi escolhido
 99    {
100      f += pKP->p[i];         // acumula lucro do elemento i
101      somaPeso += pKP->w[i];  // acumula peso do elemento i
102    }
103  // verifica capacidade excedida
104  if (somaPeso >= pKP->Q)
105    f -= 1000000 *
106         (somaPeso - pKP->Q);  // punição proporcional ao excesso de peso
107  //
108  return Evaluation<int>{f};
111// Evaluate (false -> maximização)
112// FEvaluator<ESolutionKP, MAXIMIZE> evalKP{fevaluate};
114class MoveBitFlip : public Move<ESolutionKP> {
115 public:
116  int k;  // MoveBitFlip (moveData = 'int' (k))
118  explicit MoveBitFlip(int _k) : k{_k} {}
120  uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>> apply(ESolutionKP& se) override {
121    se.first[k] = !se.first[k];                          // reverts element 'k'
122    return uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>>(new MoveBitFlip{k});  // returns reverse move
123  }
126uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>> makeMoveBitFlip(int k) {
127  return uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>>(new MoveBitFlip{k});
129// gerador de movimentos aleatórios do tipo BitFlip
130uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>> fRandomFlip(sref<ProblemContext> pKP,
131                                    const ESolutionKP& se) {
132  int k = ::rand() % pKP->n;  // sorteia um item entre [0..n-1]
133  // cria um "movimento" de flip, na posição k, com operação 'fApplyFlip'
134  return uptr<Move<ESolutionKP>>(makeMoveBitFlip(k));
137// Estrutura de Vizinhança para BitFlip (NS)
138// FNS<ESolutionKP> nsFlip{fRandomFlip};
140// ================== EVERYTHING TOGETHER ====================
142class OptFrameDemoKP {
143 public:
144  FConstructive<std::vector<bool>, ProblemContext> randomConstructive;
145  FEvaluator<ESolutionKP, MAXIMIZE, ProblemContext> evalKP;
146  FNS<ESolutionKP, ProblemContext> nsFlip;
148  explicit OptFrameDemoKP(sref<ProblemContext> p)
149      : randomConstructive{p, frandom},
150        evalKP{FEvaluator<ESolutionKP, MAXIMIZE, ProblemContext>{p, fevaluate}},
151        nsFlip{FNS<ESolutionKP, ProblemContext>{p, fRandomFlip}} {}


File 'mainKP-fcore-ex.cpp' located in 'demo/02_QuickstartKP_SA/'

 1// mainKP-fcore-ex.cpp
 3// C++
 4#include <iostream>
 7#include "KP-fcore-ex.hpp"  // implementação da mochila
 9// import everything on main()
10using namespace std;        // NOLINT
11using namespace optframe;   // NOLINT
12using namespace scannerpp;  // NOLINT
13// using namespace KP_fcore;
15int main(int argc, char** argv) {std::cout << "======== Carregando Problema ========" << std::endl;
16// semente pseudo-aleatória fixa em zero
19std::string sinstance = "knapsack-example.txt";
20File f{sinstance};
22if (!f.isOpen()) {
23  std::cerr << "Problema '" << sinstance << "' não encontrado no diretório!"
24            << std::endl;
25  return 1;
28Scanner scanner{std::move(f)};
30sref<ProblemContext> pKP{new ProblemContext{}};
32std::cout << "número de elementos na mochila:" << pKP->n << std::endl;
34OptFrameDemoKP demo{pKP};
35std::cout << "======== Testa Construtivo Aleatório ========" << std::endl;
36// invoca método 'generateSolution' do FCore 'FConstructive' para construtivo
37// aleatório
38std::vector<bool> sol = *demo.randomConstructive.generateSolution(0.0);
39// imprime solução inicial
40std::cout << sol << std::endl;
42std::cout << "======== Testa Avaliador ========" << std::endl;
43// avalia solução inicial e cria um par 'ESolution'
44ESolutionKP esol(sol, demo.evalKP.evaluate(sol));
45// imprime avaliação da solução inicial
48std::cout << "======== Executa Simulated Annealing ========" << std::endl;
49// Especifica um gerador aleatório para o Simulated Annealing
50RandGen rg;
52// Cria objeto da classe 'InitialSearch' (parecido com 'construtivoAleatório')
53BasicInitialSearch<ESolutionKP> initRand(demo.randomConstructive, demo.evalKP);
54// Instancia um Simulated Annealing com alpha=98%, iterações na temp = 100,
55// temperatura inicial = 99999
56BasicSimulatedAnnealing<ESolutionKP> sa{
57    demo.evalKP, initRand, demo.nsFlip, 0.98, 100, 99999, rg};
58// executa o SA e coleta o 'status' de saída
59// passa um 'Criterio de Parada' por tempo (= 10 segundos)
60auto searchOut = sa.search(
61    StopCriteria<ESolutionKP::second_type>{10.0});  // 10.0 seconds max
62// pega melhor solução do método SA
63ESolutionKP melhor = *searchOut.best;  //*sa.getBestSolution();
64std::cout << "======== Imprime melhor solução do SA ========" << std::endl;
65// imprime representação da melhor solução
66cout << melhor.first << endl;
67// imprime avaliação da melhor solução
71std::cout << "======== Fim da Execução ========" << std::endl;
72return 0;
73} // main


File 'knapsack-example.txt' located in 'demo/02_QuickstartKP_SA/'

31 1 1 5 5
41 2 3 7 8

To compile it (generates binary app_KP):

g++ -g -O3 --std=c++20 -I../../include  mainKP-fcore-ex.cpp -o app_KP