
Some advanced tricks and optimization techniques.


This section is incomplete!

Explicit XESolution

Instead of using standard std::pair to glue solution and evaluation types, one can explictly declare a class. This is useful to embed user methods and other problem-specific operations.

// explicit declaration of class to represent XESolution pair
class MyESolution1
    using first_type = std::vector<bool>;
    using second_type = Evaluation<double>;
    first_type first;   // some XSolution type
    second_type second; // some XEvaluation type
    // other specific methods ...

// declaration of XESolution pair via inheritance over IESolution
class MyESolution2 : public IESolution<std::vector<bool>, Evaluation<double>>
    // other specific methods ...

Move Cost


On OptFrame Classic (not FCore) it’s possible to avoid the creation of an undo move. Currently, all existing examples on OptFrame Classic use the undo feature anyway, since move undo is typically much faster than a complete copy of the solution structure.


For multiple objectives, …