Advanced - CheckModule

We expand the knowledge from Quick Start where the user has learned how to Install OptFrame, and how to compile and test metaheuristics for classic 0-1 Knapsack Problem (01KP) and Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP).

We now demonstrate how to quickly test the code and provide better move evaluations.

Multiple ways to evaluate a move


At this point, we assume the reader is familiarized with the Traveling Salesman Problem, and is also familiarized with basic workings of OptFrame and OptFrame Functional Core.

We recall the example for the TSP, where a move operation called MoveSwap is proposed.

 1std::pair<int, int> fApplySwap(sref<ProblemContext>,
 2                               const std::pair<int, int>& moveData,
 3                               ESolutionTSP& se) {
 4  int i = moveData.first;
 5  int j = moveData.second;
 6  // perform swap of clients i and j
 7  int aux = se.first[j];
 8  se.first[j] = se.first[i];
 9  se.first[i] = aux;
10  return std::pair<int, int>(j, i);  // return a reverse move ('undo' move)s
13// Swap move
14using MoveSwap = FMoveP<std::pair<int, int>, ESolutionTSP, ProblemContext>;
16uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>> makeMoveSwap(sref<ProblemContext> p, int i, int j) {
17  return uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>>(new MoveSwap{p, make_pair(i, j), fApplySwap});

Basic move cost calculation (revCost)

Typically, any basic move implementation will require at least one extra evaluation (on objective space) and two move applications (called revCost):

  1. First apply move it to current solution, becoming a neighbor solution (prevent solution copy)

  2. generating an Undo Move

  3. evaluating the cost at the neighbor solution

  4. applying the Undo Move and come back to original solution

  5. update objective value (by numeric copy)

 1class MoveSwap : public Move<ESolutionTSP> {
 2 public:
 3  int i, j;
 5  MoveSwap(int _i, int _j) : i{_i}, j{_j} {}
 7  bool canBeApplied(const ESolutionTSP& se) override {
 8    return (::abs(i - j) >= 2) && (i >= 1) && (j >= 1);
 9  }
11  uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>> apply(ESolutionTSP& se) override {
12    // perform swap of clients i and j
13    int aux = se.first[j];
14    se.first[j] = se.first[i];
15    se.first[i] = aux;
16    return uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>>(
17        new MoveSwap{j, i});  // return a reverse move ('undo' move)s
18  }
20  bool operator==(const Move<ESolutionTSP>& other) const override {
21    auto& fmove = (MoveSwap&)other;
22    return (i == fmove.i) && (j == fmove.j);
23  }
26uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>> makeMoveSwap(int i, int j) {
27  return uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>>(new MoveSwap{i, j});


We have included the filter canBeApplied to limit the scope of valid moves, so as an operator== to check for equality between moves.

Faster move cost calculation (fasterCost)

Step 3 from revCost is typically costly, what may be prevented by directly updating objective value at the same time the move is applied to solution. This can be done by adopting the applyUpdate operation on Move implementation. Usually, this can be done by either:

  1. Precomputing the cost value before move apply, and then apply it

  2. Apply the move and then directly compute the updated objective value

 1class MoveSwap : public Move<ESolutionTSP> {
 2 public:
 3  sref<ProblemContext> pTSP;
 4  int i, j;
 6  MoveSwap(sref<ProblemContext> _p, int _i, int _j) : pTSP{_p}, i{_i}, j{_j} {}
 8  bool canBeApplied(const ESolutionTSP& se) override {
 9    return (::abs(i - j) >= 2) && (i >= 1) && (j >= 1);
10  }
12  uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>> applyUpdate(ESolutionTSP& se) override {
13    // input cannot be outdated
14    assert(!se.second.isOutdated());
15    auto& s = se.first;
16    int diff =
17        -pTSP->dist(s[i - 1], s[i]) - pTSP->dist(s[i], s[(i + 1) % pTSP->n]) -
18        pTSP->dist(s[j - 1], s[j]) - pTSP->dist(s[j], s[(j + 1) % pTSP->n]);
19    diff += pTSP->dist(s[i - 1], s[j]) +
20            pTSP->dist(s[j], s[(i + 1) % pTSP->n]) +
21            pTSP->dist(s[j - 1], s[i]) + pTSP->dist(s[i], s[(j + 1) % pTSP->n]);
22    // solution swap
23    auto rev = this->apply(se);
24    se.second.setObjFunction(se.second.evaluation() + diff);
25    return rev;
26  }
28  uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>> apply(ESolutionTSP& se) override {
29    // perform swap of clients i and j
30    int aux = se.first[j];
31    se.first[j] = se.first[i];
32    se.first[i] = aux;
33    return uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>>(
34        new MoveSwap{pTSP, j, i});  // return a reverse move ('undo' move)s
35  }
37  bool operator==(const Move<ESolutionTSP>& other) const override {
38    auto& fmove = (MoveSwap&)other;
39    return (i == fmove.i) && (j == fmove.j);
40  }
43uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>> makeMoveSwap(sref<ProblemContext> p, int i, int j) {
44  return uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>>(new MoveSwap{p, i, j});

Constant cost calculation (cost)

Finally, an even faster approach is not directly compute cost of move, without even applying it to the solution. The method cost() may optionally return a calculated cost, if user wants to use that.

We observe that it is important to have some precise numerics here, such as Evaluation<int>, instead of Evaluation<double>. Cost recalculation may impose calculation errors (but if user wants to do it anyway, OptFrame will not forbid it).

 1class MoveSwap : public Move<ESolutionTSP> {
 2 public:
 3  sref<ProblemContext> pTSP;
 4  int i, j;
 6  MoveSwap(sref<ProblemContext> _p, int _i, int _j) : pTSP{_p}, i{_i}, j{_j} {}
 8  bool canBeApplied(const ESolutionTSP& se) override {
 9    return (::abs(i - j) >= 2) && (i >= 1) && (j >= 1);
10  }
12  uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>> applyUpdate(ESolutionTSP& se) override {
13    // input cannot be outdated
14    assert(!se.second.isOutdated());
15    auto& s = se.first;
16    int diff =
17        -pTSP->dist(s[i - 1], s[i]) - pTSP->dist(s[i], s[(i + 1) % pTSP->n]) -
18        pTSP->dist(s[j - 1], s[j]) - pTSP->dist(s[j], s[(j + 1) % pTSP->n]);
19    diff += pTSP->dist(s[i - 1], s[j]) +
20            pTSP->dist(s[j], s[(i + 1) % pTSP->n]) +
21            pTSP->dist(s[j - 1], s[i]) + pTSP->dist(s[i], s[(j + 1) % pTSP->n]);
22    // solution swap
23    auto rev = this->apply(se);
24    se.second.setObjFunction(se.second.evaluation() + diff);
25    return rev;
26  }
28  uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>> apply(ESolutionTSP& se) override {
29    // perform swap of clients i and j
30    int aux = se.first[j];
31    se.first[j] = se.first[i];
32    se.first[i] = aux;
33    return uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>>(
34        new MoveSwap{pTSP, j, i});  // return a reverse move ('undo' move)s
35  }
37  virtual op<Evaluation<int>> cost(const ESolutionTSP& se,
38                                   bool allowEstimated) override {
39    assert(!se.second.isOutdated());
40    auto& s = se.first;
41    int diff =
42        -pTSP->dist(s[i - 1], s[i]) - pTSP->dist(s[i], s[(i + 1) % pTSP->n]) -
43        pTSP->dist(s[j - 1], s[j]) - pTSP->dist(s[j], s[(j + 1) % pTSP->n]);
44    diff += pTSP->dist(s[i - 1], s[j]) +
45            pTSP->dist(s[j], s[(i + 1) % pTSP->n]) +
46            pTSP->dist(s[j - 1], s[i]) + pTSP->dist(s[i], s[(j + 1) % pTSP->n]);
47    return std::make_optional(Evaluation<int>(diff));
48  }
50  bool operator==(const Move<ESolutionTSP>& other) const override {
51    auto& fmove = (MoveSwap&)other;
52    return (i == fmove.i) && (j == fmove.j);
53  }
56uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>> makeMoveSwap(sref<ProblemContext> p, int i, int j) {
57  return uptr<Move<ESolutionTSP>>(new MoveSwap{p, i, j});

Using the CheckCommand to test structures

One can easily check for the integrity of the structures, by creating an instance of CheckCommand.

First, create it, then add all available components (NS, NSSeq, Evaluator, Constructive, …). Finally, invoke it passing two parameters: randomized pressure and iterative pressure.

 1// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR MIT
 2// Copyright (C) 2007-2022 - OptFrame -
 4#include <iostream>
 6#include <OptFrame/Core.hpp>
 7#include <OptFrame/Heuristics/Heuristics.hpp>  // many metaheuristics here...
 8#include <OptFrame/Heuristics/ILS/IteratedLocalSearchLevels.hpp>
 9#include <OptFrame/Heuristics/LocalSearches/BestImprovement.hpp>
10#include <OptFrame/Heuristics/LocalSearches/VariableNeighborhoodDescent.hpp>
11#include <OptFrame/LocalSearch.hpp>
12#include <OptFrame/Util/CheckCommand.hpp>
14#include "TSP-fcore.hpp"  // NOLINT
15// implementation of TSP
17// import everything on main()
18using namespace std;
19using namespace optframe;
20using namespace scannerpp;
21// using namespace TSP_fcore;
22int main() {
23  std::stringstream ss;
24  srand(1000000);
25  int N = 50;
26  ss << N << std::endl;
27  for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
28    ss << i << "\t" << rand() % 1000 << "\t" << rand() % 1000 << std::endl;
29  // Scanner scanner{ std::string(instance5) };
30  Scanner scanner{ss.str()};
31  sref<ProblemContext> pTSP{new ProblemContext{}};
32  pTSP->load(scanner);
34  // REQUIRE(pTSP.n == 5);
35  assert(pTSP->n == 50);
37  // set random seed for std::random_shuffle
38  srand(1000000);
40  FConstructive<std::vector<int>, ProblemContext> crand{pTSP, frandom};
41  FEvaluator<ESolutionTSP, MinOrMax::MINIMIZE, ProblemContext> eval{pTSP,
42                                                                    fevaluate};
43  FNS<ESolutionTSP, ProblemContext> nsswap{pTSP, fRandomSwap};
44  sref<FNSSeq<std::pair<int, int>, ESolutionTSP, ProblemContext>> nsseq2{
45      make_nsseq(pTSP)};
47  sref<InitialSearch<ESolutionTSP>> initRand{
48      new BasicInitialSearch<ESolutionTSP>(crand, eval)};
50  CheckCommand<ESolutionTSP> check(false);  // verbose
51  //
52  check.addEvaluator(eval);
53  check.add(initRand);
54  check.addNS(nsswap);     // NS
55  check.addNSSeq(nsseq2);  // NSSeq
57  // bool run(int iterMax, int nSolNSSeq)
58, 10);
59  //
60  return 0;

An example of output can be seen here:

Solution Time to clone a solution
title #tests avg(ms) std(ms)
Solution 59502 0.0009 0.0014
all - 0.0009 -

|Constructive|=1 testing construction of initial solution
#id title #tests avg(ms) std(ms)
#0 OptFrame:InitialSearch 100 0.0181 0.0334
all * - 0.0181 -

|Evaluators|=1 testing full evaluate(s) of a solution
#id title #tests avg(ms) std(ms)
#0 Direction:MIN 59602 0.0013 0.0008
all * - 0.0013 -

|NS|=2 testing time of move apply(s) [apply_no_evaluation]
#id title #tests avg(ms) std(ms)
#0 OptFrame:FNS 41048 0.0008 0.0015
#1 OptFrame:FNSSeq 18454 0.0007 0.0008
all * - 0.0008 -

|NS|=2 testing time of cost based on move apply(s) [revCost]
#id title #tests avg(ms) std(ms)
#0 OptFrame:FNS 20524 0.0054 0.0033
#1 OptFrame:FNSSeq 9227 0.0051 0.0018
all * - 0.0053 -

|NS|=2 testing time of cost based on move apply(e, s) [fasterCost]
#id title #tests avg(ms) std(ms)
#0 OptFrame:FNS 20524 0.0020 0.0019
#1 OptFrame:FNSSeq 9227 0.0019 0.0011
all * - 0.0020 -

|NS|=2 testing time of real cost based on move apply(e, s) - forcing allowCosts to False [realFasterCost]
#id title #tests avg(ms) std(ms)
#0 OptFrame:FNS 20524 0.0015 0.0029
#1 OptFrame:FNSSeq 9227 0.0013 0.0006
all * - 0.0014 -

|NS|=2 testing time of move cost()
#id title #tests avg(ms) std(ms)
#0 OptFrame:FNS 20524 0.0008 0.0006
#1 OptFrame:FNSSeq 9227 0.0008 0.0007
all * - 0.0008 -

Note that cost() version is faster than others, for both neighborhoods (NS and NSSeq), as expected.

Error codes on CheckCommand

CheckCommand may launch several errors, according to the table below:

static const int CMERR_EV_BETTERTHAN = 2001;
static const int CMERR_EV_BETTEREQUALS = 2002;
static const int CMERR_MOVE_EQUALS = 3001;
static const int CMERR_MOVE_HASREVERSE = 3002;
static const int CMERR_MOVE_REVREV_VALUE = 3004;
static const int CMERR_MOVE_REVSIMPLE = 3005;
static const int CMERR_MOVE_REVFASTER = 3006;
static const int CMERR_MOVE_REALREVFASTER = 3008;
static const int CMERR_MOVE_COST = 3007;

Feel free to file an Issue on OptFrame Project in order to discuss how to handle them.

In the future, we intend to expand this section.

More Tricks on CheckCommand

For a other examples, see folder Examples/FCore-BRKGA and execute bazel build ...


Feel free to check folder OptFrame/Examples for other examples on FCore and OptFrame Classic.